Banjir Lumpur Genangi Pemukiman di Semarang

pojok id. Semarang - The brunt of water followed by mud occurred in Semarang, Central Java. The sudden incident made people panic because the flow of water mixed with heavy mud.

The event occurred at around 13.30 WIB. At that time the water flowing on the roadside road of Imam Soeparto or commonly known as Sigar was overflowing and carrying mud into the streets.

Traffic was immediately interrupted and water and mud continued to flow to lower places. Emerald housing is also the location of the lunge until it enters people's homes.

"The water is together with the mud, it goes all the way here," said one resident, Fadli, Tuesday (12/25/2018).

The shop house and mini market became victims so that many items were also exposed to mud. Even so, until now there have been no reports of fatalities or injuries.

"There are around 10 minutes," he said.

At present the water has receded and traffic is smooth, but it still leaves slippery mud. Residents have also started cleaning their homes and shop houses.

The weather conditions are now starting to rain again and the river that had slumped is still quite heavy. There were trunks of trunks and leaves caught in bridges around the river.


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